Questions About Executive Coaching

Why Hire an Executive Coach

A coach’s purpose is to help you close the gap between where you are now and where you have the potential to be.

In choosing to go it alone, you deprive yourself of invaluable synergy, personal discovery and accountability. The focused collaboration of a coaching relationship enables you to close that gap faster and easier than flying solo.

We find that breakthrough results occur by discovering and overcoming our own unique obstacles to success.  Just as a board gains an understanding of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses and goals, a coach is an advocate on an individual level to clarify and develop the executive’s skills, mindset and focus.  The natural result is faster, more focused achievement of the results on your agenda.

“The significant problems we face can not be solved at the same level of thinking that we were at when we created them”

– Albert Einstein

What's the Difference between an Executive Coach and a Therapist?

Both approaches address behavioral elements of your performance. A therapist will help you to look backward to issues that prevent you from moving forward and to assist with any deep seeded emotional baggage.  An Executive Coach takes a more current and future view with a goal orientated approach to development of productive attitudes and soft skills.  Therapists do not typically focus on  developing your skills.  As coaches, we are trained to recognize situations where therapy is in the best interest of the client and will make appropriate recommendations.

I Have an MBA. Why Would I Need a Coach?

Over 70% of our clients have MBAs.  A MBA provides you with great business knowledge.  Executive Coaching provides a highly personalized approach to developing your soft skills, mindset, self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

As you climb the corporate ladder, both your skill sets and mindset must evolve.  Coaching accelerates executive development that does not happen in a business school classroom.

Coach Selection Questions

How do I know which coach is right for me?

Over 70% of our clients have MBAs.  A MBA provides you with great business knowledge.  Executive Coaching provides a highly personal

For any decision, selecting the correct criteria is critical. You should begin by clarifying the purpose of the engagement and your desired outcomes. Then determine what qualities and approach you will need to effectively pursue that outcome.  For more detailed guidelines for selecting an executive coach, visit our Executive Coach Selection Guide.

ized approach to developing your soft skills, mindset, self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

As you climb the corporate ladder, both your skill sets and mindset must evolve.  Coaching accelerates executive development that does not happen in a business school classroom.

What Role Should Gender Play in Selecting a Coach?

If you believe that a coach’s gender is important, you need to understand why. Women may feel more comfortable with someone who understands their gender specific workplace issues. But, be careful. A coach’s empathy is potentially valuable. But, seeking sympathy can be a misguided approach. Your coach needs to act as your personal change agent. Your measurable improvement will not occur without stepping outside of your comfort zone and letting go of any self-pity or emotional obstacles.  The same is true for race or ethnicity.   For opposite gender coaching engagements, it should almost go without saying that a professional coach will never become romantically involved with a client because it will impair the critical element of objectivity.

What does Executive Coaching Cost?

The fair, if somewhat vague, answer is “it depends.” After we define and understand your desired outcomes and existing obstacles, we then then develop a plan to get you to where you want to be along with a firm schedule for the fees involved as well as our comfort guarantee.  Our clients have learned to view coaching fees as an investment that will provide significant return, rather than an expense. Our approach in determining the desired measurable results in advance is designed to assure a significant return on your investment. 

What do You Know about OUR Industry?

Based on our work in over fifty different industries, we believe this is the most overvalued and misunderstood criteria for selecting a coach. Here’s why…

  • Leadership and business savvy transcends industries.
  • Industries are not as unique or mysterious as their insiders believe. And all share a common element. They are populated by people. A coach’s ability help you to improve your skills at getting results through others will be far more valuable than industry expertise.
  • By seeking specific industry expertise, you limit the potential of breakthroughs from the cross pollination of ideas from other arenas.
  • The elements most likely to hinder your executive performance are not technical in nature. Most job promotions and firings are not related to a person’s level industry expertise.
  • Leaders are promoted because of their attitudes and habits and for their ability to execute.
  • An Executive Coach should be more competent in developing your emotional intelligence than your industry insight.
  • With an industry specific coach, you deprive yourself the cross pollination of ideas and tactics. You want to expand the scope of solutions not minimize them.

Transitioning to a New Industry?

If the culture, values and behaviors of your new industry are significantly different from where you came, a coach can help with the transition. 

However, the essence of effective coaching is NOT to offer technical advise. It is to act as your personal change agent. If you are transitioning to a new industry, a mentor from within the industry can be helpful in your ramp-up stage.  Perhaps we can help with that. Through our national affiliate network we can help you to connect a coach who has worked in your industry that could offer you industry specific insights via video conferencing or phone.

Questions About Milwaukee Executive Coaching

What does your Executive Coaching Cost?

The fair, if somewhat vague, answer is “it depends.” After we define and understand your desired outcomes and existing obstacles, we then then develop a plan to get you to where you want to be along with a firm schedule for the fees involved as well as our comfort guarantee.  Our clients have learned to view coaching fees as an investment that will provide significant return, rather than an expense. Our approach in determining the desired measurable results in advance is designed to assure a significant return on your investment.  

Our Three Phase Approach

To minimize the financial risk for our clients, we typically recommend a three-phase approach.  The investment in Phase 1 is under $2,000.  Additional phases are added as needed, recommended agreed as we clarify your desired oucomes.  

Where Does Coaching Take Place?

The location depends your needs. Most of our coaching conferences are in-person meetings held in our client’s office or conference room. If you prefer, we procure a conference room at an appropriate location.  Geography is not an obstacle as covered in the next Q & A.

What if I Live Outside of the Milwaukee Area?

We’ve successfully connected with executives worldwide with video conferencing. All you need is an internet connected device: Ideally a tablet or laptop. We’ve successfully served executives in the US and Europe via video conference and telephone. Again, geography is not an obstacle. 

We also have affiliate offices in Green Bay/Fox Valley and north suburban Chicago

Coaching via Video Conference

Are Your Coaching Engagements Confidential?

The level of confidence required in a coaching engagement varies based on your needs. We establish an up-front understanding and agreement for each engagement.  While details of coaching discussions are never shared, the existence a coaching relationship can either be open and transparent or under the radar. Your choice. 

What Assurances or Guarantees do you offer?

Coaching success depends on positive behavior changes by the coaching client.  While behavior change is not within our control, we believe that working with us should not be a risky proposition.  So, we offer a Comfort Guarantee for our developmental processes.  Briefly stated, if you’re not comfortable with our approach, it’s easy to opt out.  Your financial risk is minimized.  

Do you accept Credit Cards for payment?

Yes.  We accept all major credit cards.  Upon agreement you will receive a PayPal Invoice that allows you to securely use the card of your choice, including corporate P-Cards, or payment through your own PayPal account.  

Credit Card logos