Leadership Breakthroughs
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“A person or group with whom you discuss ideas to see if the ideas are ‘right‘“.
Your Sounding Board feedback can and should come from diverse sources: Advisory Board members, your executive team, colleagues, your spouse, focus groups, trusted vendors and customers. While all have valuable insights, they don’t always appreciate your unique interests, goals and agenda.
Once you’ve developed a working relationship with an executive coach, your coach gains a unique and unbiased understanding of:
Armed with this insight and enhanced skills for both asking and listening, a professional coach gains a unique perspective as a sounding board. And, has a singular, transparent agenda: assuring that you succeed and stay on course.
In Sounding Board Coaching, our goal is to help you enhance your 3 C’s of Success and support “Right Action”
As you seek insight for your important decisions, you should not expect your coach to have all the answers. Your coach’s value comes from asking the right questions. So our role in sounding board discussions is focused on enhancing your clarity around your decision’s criteria. Once you’ve gained clarity, you’re more able to summon the confidence and commitment to take the right action.
We find that typically your answers do lie within and will surface with effective inquiry. Except when they don’t. When they don’t, our coaching approach adapts from a Socratic style to the role of a Trusted Advisor who has been-there-and-done-that and adds the ability to apply proven concepts from what we call “The Laws of Business Physics”.
The Right Action occurs when the right people are doing the right things in the right way at the right time for the right reasons to achieve the right results.
Leadership Breakthroughs
We invite you to connect for a confidential, insightful discussion.